Shipping options

PostPac Priority within 1-2 business days (Switzerland only) incl. packaging.

up to  2 KG  CHF  14.00
up to 5 KG  CHF  26.50
up to 10 KG  CHF  33.00
up to  30 KG  CHF  41.00


CHF 1.50 up to value of CHF 1'500 
CHF 7.00 up to value of CHF 5'000

Swiss-Express «Moon»
Express shipments are mailed during regular office hours. Prices are according to Swiss Post, plus packaging and insurance. Delivery by 9am the following work day, including Saturday.

Manual processing of original wooden cases upon request. 

Planzer Parcel next day delivery (Switzerland only) - New pricing for 2025 insurance included:

Up to 3 bottles = CHF 12.00

6-pack = CHF 16.50, each additional 6-pack CHF 11.50

12-pack = CHF 22.00, each additional 12-pack CHF 16.50

Overseas shipments by Swiss Post
Price upon request pending on destination. Import duties are to be covered by the consignee.

All prices exclusive of 8.1% VAT. Prices and terms are subject to change.